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Writer's picturePiano Performance Arts Academy

7 Tips on How to Ace Your Recital Performance

Updated: May 1, 2021

With several performances coming up, we thought we would give you a few tips on how to better prepare for them. Practice is definitely a very big part of having a successful performance, but there are other elements that also contribute to a good performing experience.

1. Practice, practice, practice:

This is the first step to having a successful recital or any type of performance. Knowing that you have done everything you could to prepare, gives you the confidence to be on stage and share your music with serenity and freedom.

2. Get plenty of rest the night before your recital:

When you are tired, it is difficult to focus. It is very important to get plenty of rest to help you stay relaxed and focused.

3. Plan ahead of time:

Planning is critical to feeling relaxed and calm. Get dressed and pick out your outfit ahead of time. Show up at least 20-30 minutes prior to the start of the recital and leave plenty of time to get there.

4. Recital warm-ups are important:

If you have an opportunity to warm up, this will help get your fingers in shape to do their best. Starting cold is not impossible, but also not recommended. If you have already played through your piece, you’re likely to cruise through it a second time. So take some time to run through your material either at home or at the venue. Be careful though, you don’t want the audience to hear you or over-practice.

5. On recital day, choose snacks high in protein:

Making sure you’re well-nourished. If your stomach is grumbling, chances are you may struggle to focus on your music! Choose snacks that give you plenty of fuel so you can keep your mind on delivering a great performance.

6. Take your time when performing:

Take your time, relax, go slowly, and breathe deeply. Let the music come out naturally without forcing yourself to rush. Most importantly, trust yourself and let the music speak through you.

7. Have fun!

Remember to enjoy yourself. – you’ve got an audience looking forward to your performance and they are ready to enjoy it with you. Music is such a wonderful sharing experience and it's about expressing yourself and honoring your artistry.

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